==Phrack Inc.==
Volume 0x0e, Issue 0x44, Phile #0x0f of 0x13
|=------------------=[ Similarities for Fun & Profit ]=------------------=|
|=---------------=[ Pouik (Androguard Team) and G0rfi3ld ]=--------------=|
|=------------------=[ d@t0t0.fr / g0rfi3ld@gmail.com ]=-----------------=|
1/ Introduction
1.1 Complexity of a sequence
1.2 Histograms and classical Shannon Entropy
1.3 From the Classical Entropy towards Descriptional Entropy
1.4 Normalized Compression Distance (NCD)
2/ Similarities
2.1 Between two sets of elements
2.2 In a set of elements
3/ Real World: Android
3.1 Similarities between two applications
3.2 Differences between two applications
3.3 Looking for a signature in applications
4/ Conclusion
5/ References
6/ Code
--[ 1 - Introduction
How can we verify that two numerical objects are identical? It's easy, you
just have to compare all characters, one by one. But how can we say that
two numerical objects are "similar" but not identical?
Can we define a measure of "similarity", which will give ipso facto a
measure of "dissimilarity"?
But what are these numerical files that we want to analyze or compare? It
could be anything, from pictures to numerical data files. We will focus in
this work on goodware and malware, (a goodware is not a malware :). So, if
the numerical objects are software, can we define a measure of similarity
and how? And why? We will see this.
Our problem can be simply defined as: How can we choose quickly, from a set
M of known software files {m1, ..., mn}, with n >= 1, the subset of the
files of M that are the "most similar" to a target A? And how can we find
quickly interesting differences without using a direct approach like graph
isomorphism [21, 25] between two similar but different applications?
We will show you how we can use a filtering tactic to select the best (i.e.
the "most similar" to a target A) files out of the malware set M. We
propose the use of two different tactics, using the entropy as a first
filtering tactic to filter the set M and the Normalized Compression
Distance (NCD) for a second filtering tactic. We also propose a new entropy
which is a simple generalization of the classical Shannon entropy. We call
this entropy the "descriptional entropy", which to the authors knowledge,
is presented here for the first time.
While the tools that we present here are truly generic, i.e. they can be
used with any files, we will give some examples through the analysis and
comparison of Android applications.
----[ 1.1 Complexity of a sequence
We want to compare DNA sequences [24], music files or pictures [20].
We need a notion of the "complexity" of a sequence, to be able to compare
them, to sort them or to index them. But what is a complex sequence or how
do we define a complex sequence? There are lots of situations where we need
a tool to answer. To be more exact, we need a computable measure of the
complexity of a sequence, to index for example a set of files. The sequence
can be the bytes of a picture, a DNA sequence, a source code or an
executable file; in other words, whatever can be stored in a file. In this
paper, we will say sequence, for any sequence of ASCII characters.
So, can we define the "complexity" of a sequence? Let us give a toy
example, we consider the four sequences:
- S1 = "aaabbb"
- S2 = "ababab"
- S3 = "bbbaaa"
- S4 = "abbaab"
Intuition tells us that:
- S1 and S3 are more similar than S1 and S2 or S2 and S3.
- S1 is more "simple" than S2.
- S1, S2 and S3 are more "simple" than S4.
It is easy to see that S1 is the reverse of S3, so it could be interesting
for any function Comp() defined as a measure of the complexity of a
sequence to verify that Comp(S1) = Comp(S3).
----[ 1.2 Histograms and classical Shannon Entropy
Let S be a sequence of characters, with an "alphabet" of n different
symbols (generally characters). Let pi be the computed probability of
occurrence of each of the n character in S, we will call the histogram
vector Hist = {p1, ..., pn} and then the classical Shannon entropy of the
sequence S is defined by:
H(S)= - / pi log(pi)
(where log(x) is the logarithmic function in base 10).
In our toy example, S1 = "aaabbb", S2 = "ababba" and S3 = "bbbaaa", the
alphabet is {"a", "b"}. They have a same histogram vector entropy:
Hist(S1) = Hist(S2) = Hist(S3) = {1/2, 1/2}
which will give the same entropy:
H(S1) = H(S2) = H(S3) = 1.
If we use the classical Shannon entropy H(), the equation holds as
H(S1) = H(S3). However we also have H(S1) = H(S2) which contradicts 'S1 is
more simple than S2'. So the function is not suitable.
Let's see another problem with the classical Shannon entropy: if S is a
sequence of characters with S...S a concatenation of S and H() the Shannon
entropy, then we have H(S) = H(SS) = H(SSS) = H(S...S). This is not really
good for our purposes!
We will see that we can do better with a generalization of the Shannon
entropy which we will call "Descriptional Entropy".
----[ 1.3 From the Classical Shannon Entropy towards the Descriptional
A lot of ways to measure the complexity of a sequence have been proposed.
For example, the Lempel-Ziv complexity [29,30] is defined as the number of
different subsequences (patterns) in a sequence when we apply the LZ
The sequence complexity, or the complexity index, of a sequence S = s1...sn
is defined as the number of different subsequences in S [31,32].
In all cases we obtain a number which is difficult to use, or we have to
take the histogram vector. But to compare two histogram vectors of unequal
size is not easy. We propose here a new approach.
Given a complexity measure based on the count of different subsequences,
and if we have N different subsequences, we can compute the histogram
vector Hist(S) = {P1, ..., PN} for this set, with P1+...PN=1 of course. So
now we can compute the entropy of this histogram vector; we propose to call
this entropy the "Descriptional Entropy" of a sequence:
Hd(Hist(S))= - / Pi log(Pi)
To simplify we will write Hd(S) for Hd(Hist(S)). From now we will use the
log2(x) function, i.e. the log base 2 function.
Let us show it with the toy example, again, S1 = "aaabbb", S2 = "ababba",
S3 = "bbbaaa" and S4 = "abbaab". If we choose to count all different
subsequences we will have (to simplify we neglect the "empty" sequence
which is used sometimes):
(1) For S1 = "aaabbb": the subsequence set is (in alphabetical order)
and the histogram vector:
If we sort it we have:
and so the descriptional entropy will be (remember: we use the base 2
logarithmic function log2(x)):
Hd(S1) = - ( 1/21 log2(1/21) x 11 + 2/21 log2(2/21) x 2 + 1/7 log2(1/7)
x 2 )
Hd(S1) = 11/21 log2(21) + 4/21 log2(21/2) + 2/7 log2(7)
Hd(S1) = 11/21 log2(21) + 4/21 log2(21) - 4/21 log2(2) + 2/7 log2(7)
Hd(S1) = 5/7 log2(21) - 4/21 log2(2) + 2/7 log2(7)
which gives:
Hd(S1) = 3.74899
(2) For S2 = "ababab": the subsequence set is (in alphabetical order):
and the histogram vector:
Hist(S2)= {1/7,1/7,2/21,2/21,1/21,1/21,1/7,2/21,2/21,1/21,1/21}
If we sort it we have:
and the descriptional entropy will be:
Hd(S2) = 3 log2(7) / 7 + 8 log2(21/2) / 21 + 4 log2(21) / 21
which gives:
Hd(S2) = 3.3321
(3) For S3 = "bbbaaa": the subsequence set is (in alphabetical order)
and the histogram vector:
If components are sorted we have:
and the descriptional entropy will be:
Hd(S3) = 2 log2(7))/7 + 4 log2(21/2))/ 21 + 11 log2(21)/21
which gives:
Hd(S3) = 3.74899
(4) For S4 = "abbaab": the subsequence set is (in alphabetical order)
and the histogram vector:
Hist(S4) = {1/7,1/21,1/21,2/21,1/21,1/21,1/21,1/21,1/7,1/21,
If components are sorted we have:
and the descriptional entropy will be:
Hd(S4) = 2 log2(7) / 7 + 2 log2(21/2) / 21 + 13 log(21) / 21
which gives:
Hd(S4) = 3.84423
So, we have:
Hd(S2) = 3.3321 < Hd(S1) = Hd(S3) = 3.74899 < Hd(S4) = 3.84423.
The result Hd(S1) = Hd(S3) = 3.74899 is expected. However, the result
Hd(S2) = 3.3321 < Hd(S1) is a little bit surprising, but the whole set of
inequalities is correct. S4 is more "complex" than S1, S2 and S3.
Let us give another simple example, if we choose S5 = "bbbbbaaaaa" and
S6 = S5S5 = "bbbbbaaaaabbbbbaaaaa". We will have:
Hd(S5) = 4.82265 and Hd(S6) = 6.68825,
and it is not so difficult to prove that:
for any sequence S:
Hd(S) < Hd(SS) < Hd(SSS) < Hd(S......S).
This sounds good :)
However there is a drawback since for a very long sequence S the
(practical) computational complexity of the computation of Hd(S) is not
cheap. Well, it's true, of course. We could probably find a fast(er)
algorithm, based for example on some variation of the Aho-Corasick,
Boyer-Moore or Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithms. We can also say that we only
consider subsequences of length bounded by a suitable integer k.
----[ 1.4 Normalized Compression Distance (NCD)
The Kolmogorov complexity is a very interesting concept and it has a lot of
applications [18,23]. We present here this concept to explain the power of
Normalized Compression Distance (NCD).
Let us cite Wikipedia [26]: "In algorithmic information theory (a subfield
of computer science), the Kolmogorov complexity of an object, such as a
piece of text, is a measure of the computational resources needed to
specify the object. It is named after Soviet Russian mathematician Andrey
Kolmogorov. Kolmogorov complexity is also known as descriptive complexity,
Kolmogorov Chaitin complexity, algorithmic entropy, or program-size
Well, it is a very good abstract. Unfortunately, The Kolmogorov complexity
K(S) of a sequence S is not computable, so we can just approximate it.
The use of any compression algorithm gives a trivial and evident upper
bound of K(S). Read the book [22] for a deep and modern presentation and
for applications. (Yes there are applications).
We switch now to the NCD, which is always computable.
To be able to use the Kolmogorov complexity we need to extend the
informational distance to have a normalized value which indicates the
similarities or dissimilarities between two elements/strings. Let us recall
what a distance is.
Wikipedia says: "...a distance function on a given set M is a
function d: MxM -> R, the set of real numbers, that
satisfies the following conditions:
a) d(x,y) >= 0, and d(x,y) = 0 if and only if x = y. (Distance is
positive between two different points, and is zero precisely from a
point to itself.)
b) It is symmetric: d(x,y) = d(y,x). (The distance between x and y is
the same in either direction.)
c) It satisfies the triangle inequality: d(x,z) <= d(x,y) + d(y,z).
(The distance between two points is the shortest distance along any
Such a distance function is known as a metric."
Suppose we have two sequences x and y. We consider the concatenated
sequence xy, and a compressor algorithm Comp with L(Comp(S)) the length of
the compressed string, i.e. the number of bytes of the compressed string.
The main idea of the NCD [17,33] is that L(Comp(xy)) will be almost equal
to L(Comp(x)) if x = y. And L(Comp(xy)) will be close to L(Comp(x)) if x
and y are similar without being equal.
Let us give now the definition of dNCD(x,y):
(L(Comp(x|y)) - min{L(Comp(x)), L(Comp(y))})
- dNCD(x, y) = -------------------------------------------------
max{L(Comp(x)), L(Comp(y))}
This formula returns a value from 0.0 (maximally similar) to 1.0 (maximally
dissimilar). 1.0? Oh yes if the compressor works correctly, but practically
we can manage this.
--[ 2 - Similarities
In the next two sections, we will present two algorithms which can be used
with any set of elements. Elsim (included in the code archive at the end of
this paper) is our implementation of those algorithms. It is open source
software (LGPL), and with it you can compute similarities between any
"described" elements :)
----[ 2.1 Between 2 sets of elements
In this part we will describe how we can create a generic algorithm to
search the similarities between 2 sets of elements. This algorithm can be
used to compare all kind of elements if you are able to find a correct way
to represent your data.
For the comparison of our data, we will use the NCD, thus indirectly the
Kolmogorov complexity. One of the major drawbacks [16] of the compression
is the "time" required :) The tool can be powerful, but if you use a
compression algorithm like LZMA, you are limited to "hello world" problems
due to the speed of the compression. You need to choose carefully your
(lossless) compressor.
A compressor C is "normal" if the following properties (inequalities) are
satisfied [17]:
1) Idempotency: C(xx) = C(x), and C(E) = 0,
where E is the empty string.
2) Monotonicity: C(xy) >= C(x).
3) Symmetry: C(xy) = C(yx).
4) Distributivity: C(xy) + C(z) <= C(xz) + C(yz).
The important theorem from [18] reveals the power of the dNCD distance:
"if the compressor C is normal, then the dNCD is a normalized admissible
distance satisfying the metric inequalities that is, a similarity metric."
With this theorem, we can use the NCD as a simple tool to measure the
similarity between elements.
We have performed tests on different compressors to test them in respect to
both the previous properties and their speed. If the algorithm is too slow
it will be really useless for practical purposes. We chose to compress
random signatures (see 3.1) because it's close to our application domain
(see 3).
Property | Number of success | size of final compression | speed (seconds)
d@t0t0:~/elsim$ ./tests/test_similarity.py
Idempotency 0/9 1167 1.82118797
Monotonicity 72/72 13258 9.40736294
Symetry 72/72 17380 9.32561111
Distributivity 504/504 214466 133.67427087
* BZ2
Idempotency 0/9 1947 0.00075889
Monotonicity 72/72 18248 0.00626206
Symetry 72/72 221744 0.00735211
Distributivity 504/504 279944 0.09816098
Idempotency 0/9 1073 0.00033116
Monotonicity 72/72 11850 0.00224590
Symetry 72/72 15348 0.00276113
Distributivity 504/504 190386 0.03468490
* XZ
Idempotency 0/9 1900 0.55278206
Monotonicity 72/72 17544 4.41346812
Symetry 72/72 21008 4.35566306
Distributivity 504/504 269864 61.70975709
Idempotency 0/9 8129 0.00140786
Monotonicity 72/72 86960 0.01695490
Symetry 10/72 115168 0.02190304
Distributivity 504/504 1414896 0.21149492
Idempotency 0/9 1153 0.00009203
Monotonicity 72/72 12952 0.00057387
Symetry 72/72 17184 0.00059295
Distributivity 504/504 210952 0.01117182
Snappy [19] is really fast and respects, as do the others, the four
conditions. It is interesting to see that the first property will never be
satisfied by the NCD. This happens because in practice it is impossible to
obtain those conditions even if we have close results (which is why the
algorithm works :).
It is possible to execute the similarity library in Elsim to use
independently the Kolmogorov complexity and the NCD:
In [1]: from elsim.similarity import similarity
In [2]: s =
// change the type of compressor (bzip2)
In [3]: s.set_compress_type( similarity.BZ2_COMPRESS )
// Get the kolmogorov complexity (by using the compressor, so this function
// returns the length of the compression
In [4]: s.kolmogorov("W00T W00T PHRACK")
Out[4]: (52L, 0)
// Get the similarity distance between two strings
In [5]: s.ncd("W00T W00T PHRACK", "W00T W00T PHRACK")
Out[5]: (0.057692307978868484, 0)
In [6]: s.ncd("W00T W00T PHRACK", "W00T W00T PHRACK STAFF")
Out[6]: (0.17543859779834747, 0)
In [7]: s.ncd("W00T W00T PHRACK", "HELLO WORLD")
Out[7]: (0.23076923191547394, 0)
// As you can see :
// - the elements of the first comparison are closer
// than the elements of the second comparison
// - the elements of the second comparison are closer
// than the elements of the third comparison
// - the result of the first comparison is not 0, that is why
// we don't respect the first property but practically it works
// because we are not far from 0
// change the type of compressor (Snappy)
In [8]: s.set_compress_type( similarity.SNAPPY_COMPRESS )
In [9]: s.ncd("W00T W00T PHRACK", "W00T W00T PHRACK")
Out[9]: (0.6666666865348816, 0)
In [10]: s.ncd("W00T W00T PHRACK", "W00T W00T PHRACK STAFF")
Out[10]: (0.6818181872367859, 0)
In [11]: s.ncd("W00T W00T PHRACK", "HELLO WORLD")
Out[11]: (0.7777777910232544, 0)
// As you can see, Snappy is very bad with such kind of strings, even if
// the algorithm respects the dissimilarities between the comparison.
// If we test this compressor with longer strings, and strings of
// signatures (3.1), we have better results:
In [12]: s.ncd("B[I]B[RF1]B[F0S]B[IF1]B[]B[]B[S]B[SS]B[RF0]B[]B[SP0I]"\
Out[12]: (0.0784313753247261, 0)
In [13]: s.ncd("B[I]B[RF1]B[F0S]B[IF1]B[]B[]B[S]B[SS]B[RF0]B[]B[SP0I]"\
Out[13]: (0.11764705926179886, 0)
In [14]: s.ncd("B[I]B[RF1]B[F0S]B[IF1]B[]B[]B[S]B[SS]B[RF0]B[]B[SP0I]"\
Out[14]: (0.9270833134651184, 0)
Snappy maybe the fastest algorithm but its rate compression is the worst.
However, it is not of particular importance. Why? Because it is not a
problem if the properties are respected. Moreover if you want an end value
which respects more the idea of similarities, you can still switch to some
other compressor, such as ZLIB, LZMA or BZ2.
The first thing to do is to describe our "basic" element which will be used
for a comparison. An element is composed of:
- a string
- a hash
Oh wait, that's all? Yes, we need to compare strings and not other things.
But the strings themselves will highly depend of your similarity problem.
For example, if your problem is to compare two binaries, it's a bad idea to
compare the listings corresponding to a specific function. You need to find
the best way to transform your data into suitable strings, and it's
probably the most difficult part. Of course it is not our job in this
article:) It is not easy to transform your data to a string and it will be
specific to each problem. For example, if your data is a chemical molecule
you need probably to use SMILES to convert the structure to an ASCII string
Remember that you can't compare elements that easily, you really need a
transformation because the Kolmogorov complexity is not magical. Using it
requires the normalization of your data. Finally, the hash is only used to
quickly remove the identical elements.
The algorithm is the following one:
- input: A:set(), B:set()
where A and B are sets of elements
- output: I:set(), S:set(), N:set(), D:set(), Sk:set()
where I: identical elements, S: similar elements, N: new elements,
D: deleted elements, Sk: skipped elements
- Sk: Skipped elements by using a "filtering" function (helpful if we
wish to skip some elements from a set (small size, known element from
a library, etc.)
- Identify internal identical elements in each set
- I: Identify "identical" elements by the intersection of A and B
- Get all others elements by removing identical elements
- Perform the "NCD" between each element of A and B
- S: "Sort" all similarities elements by using a threshold
- N,D: Get all new/deleted elements if they are not present in one of
the previous sets
The following diagram describes this algorithm:
|--A--| |--B--|
| A1 | | B1 |
| A2 | | B2 |
| A3 | | B3 |
|--An-| |--Bn-|
| |---------| |
|- --->|FILTERING|<-----|
| |
| |--------->|Sk|
| |---------|
| |---|---use-->|Kolmogorov|
| |---------|-->|Threshold|
|-------->| SORTING |
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
|N|<------------/ | \-------->|D|
Moreover we can calculate a similarity "score" using the number of
identical elements and the value of the similar elements.
Here is a simple example showing you how it is possible to use the
algorithm (elsim_text.py). In this case, it's used to compare two plain
text files. We modified the COPYING.LESSER text by changing the order of
few paragraphs and removing (or adding) words:
ds@t0t0:~/elsim$ ./tests/example_text_sim.py -i
NEW: 0
--> sentences: 99.783060% of similarities
As you can see, with a few modifications the two files are maximally
similar even if the elements are not at the same place. And if you add some
debugging information, you can see the two modified sentences:
SIMILAR sentences:
138 'This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License
incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU
General Public License' --> 131 'This version of the GNU General
Public License incorporates the terms and conditions of version 3
of the GNU General Public License' 0.105263158679
71 'and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public
License' --> 76 'and the "GNU GPL HOOK" refers to version 3 of the
GNU General Public License' 0.129032254219
----[ 2.2 In a set of elements
The previous algorithm is interesting in order to compare two elements, but
if you have more or if you wish to search for a specific signature in a set
of elements, it can be very long. That's why we need to use a clustering
algorithm [28] to accelerate it.
So, an element will be defined by:
- a string (a signature),
- a set of float values.
The float values are classically features vectors that we will use the set
of floats to perform the clustering (and you can use specific weights if
you think that some elements of the set are more important than others).
For example if you consider that the first float value if more important
than the second one for clustering you can add a higher weight.
In order to have more complex searches (i.e. if you wish to match multiple
elements at the same time or only a specific element and not another, etc.)
we will use a signature which will be composed of several elements and a
Boolean formula whose purpose is to check if a signature matches.
The algorithm is:
- Load signatures from the database and elements
- Execute a classical clustering [28] algorithm (kmeans [3] for
example) to reduce the number of comparisons by using the set of
float values
- For each cluster, compare the loaded from the database signatures
with the elements
- If the NCD value is below the threshold and if the Boolean
formula is true then we have found a valid signature (so we have
a valid match!)
|---SIGN---| |---ELEM---|
| X1 | | E1 |
| X2 | | E2 |
| X3 | | E3 |
|----Xn----| |----En----|
| |----------| |
| | |
| | |->Cn
| |
| |->Cn-1
| __C1__
|->| X1 | |---|---------->|Kolmogorov|
| E1 |------>|NCD|
| .. | ^ |---|
| |
| |
| |
| |---------->|Threshold|
| |
| |
| |
| |
| / \
| / \
| / \
| F T
| / \
|----------------/ |
| |
| |--------|
| | BF |
| |--------|
| |
| |
| / \
| / \
| F T
|------------------------/ \
| OK |
Simple, no ? :)
Here is an example (example_sign.py) which shows you how to load signatures
and elements, and check if a signature is present.
In the following example, we have two signatures composed of elements and a
set of "external" data to test. In the dataset, we have a corresponding
signature and a false positive:
[ "Sign1", "a",
[ [ 4.4915299415588379, 4.9674844741821289,
4.9468302726745605, 0.0 ], "HELLO
[ "Sign2", "a && b",
[ [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ], "OOOPS !!!!!!!!" ],
[ [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 8.0], "OOOOOOOOPPPPPS !!!" ] ],
[ [ 4.4915299415588379, 4.9674844741821289,
[ [ 4.4915299415588379, 4.9674844741821289,
4.9468302726745605, 1.0 ], "FALSE POSITIVE" ],
[ [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ],
[ [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ],
[ [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ],
[ [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ],
Each signature is composed of either one or several elements and a Boolean
formula ("a" is the first element, "b" is the second element, etc.).
By running the example, we can see that one signature is detected. It is
displayed along with several statistics (such as the number of clusters,
the number of comparisons (1) and the number of comparisons without (18)
this algorithm).
d@t0t0:~/elsim/elsim/elsign$ ./example_sign.py
['Sign1', [0, 1, 0.1875]]
-> 18 5.555556%]
If we remove the matching element, we can see that we can't detect a match
of the signature anymore, even if we have close entropies (fake values in
this case) with a signature (but the string is not the same):
d@t0t0:~/elsim/elsim/elsign$ ./example_sign.py
-> 15 20.000000%]
--[ 3 - Real World: Android
Now we can apply our algorithms to a real world problem domain. We have
chosen that of Android applications and malware identification. One of the
main problems with Android Apps is the plagiarism due to the facilities to
modify and spread an application.
----[ 3.1 Similarities between two applications
To use our generic algorithm, we must first define what are the "string"
and the "hash" properties of an element. So, what is an element in the case
of an Android application? We define it as a method or a class. The
"string" is the signature of a method and the "hash" is the sequence of
Our signature is based on the grammar described by Silvio Cesare [2]. This
grammar is very simple:
Procedure ::= StatementList
StatementList ::= Statement | Statement StatementList
Statement ::= BasicBlock | Return | Goto | If | Field | Package | String
Return ::= 'R'
Goto ::= 'G'
If ::= 'I'
BasicBlock ::= 'B'
Field ::= 'F'0 | 'F'1
Package ::= 'P' PackageNew | 'P' PackageCall
PackageNew ::= '0'
PackageCall ::= '1'
PackageName ::= Epsilon | Id
String ::= 'S' Number | 'S' Id
Number ::= \d+
Id ::= [a-zA-Z]\w+
For example if we have the following code:
mov X, 4
mov Z, 5
add X, Z
goto +50
add X, Z
goto -100
Then the signature is:
We do not take into account the different instructions but rather the
information about the structure of the method.
With an Android method, this gives a more complex signature:
call [ meth@ 22 Ljava/lang/String; valueOf
['(I)', 'Ljava/lang/String;'] ]
goto 50
B[P1{Ljava/lang/String; valueOf (I)Ljava/lang/String;}G]
We only use the control flow graph (CFG) of the methods along with specific
instructions of the CFG such as "if*" or "goto". All the instructions like
sparse/packed switch [4] are translated to "goto" instructions without
details. We can add information about the packages, and especially about
the Android/Java packages. Indeed, it's an important information to include
in the signature (e.g.: you must use the sendTextMessage API to send an
In the signature we can also add if a method of a package is called, or if
there is the creation of an object, or even if a field is read or written.
Of course, it's possible to modify this kind of signature if you want to
take into account each instruction of the method. However in our case (and
after experimental results) it seems useless since we don't depend on the
"nature" of each instruction, but only on higher level information.
We can extend this concept by using "predefined" signatures to help us:
- 0: information about packages (called/created) and fields, no
specific information about string
- 1: 0 + but with the size of strings,
- 2: 0 + filtering android packages names,
- 3: 0 + filtering Java packages names,
- 4: 0 + filtering Android/Java packages.
If we have different types of signatures, we are then able to change
dynamically the signature in case the global structure of a function or the
Android packages in the structure are more interesting to us.
For example, if we disassemble a particular method using Androguard [1] or
smali/baksmali [27], we obtain different signatures:
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androlyze.py -s
Androlyze version 1.0
In [1]: a, d, dx =
In [5]: d.CLASS_Ltests_androguard_TestIfs.METHOD_testCFG.pretty_show()
METHOD access_flags=public (Ltests/androguard/TestIfs; testCFG,()V)
local registers: v0...v7
testCFG-BB@0x0 :
0(0) const/4 v0 , [ #+ 1 ] // {1}
1(2) const/4 v1 , [ #+ 1 ] // {1}
2(4) const/4 v2 , [ #+ 1 ] // {1}
3(6) const/4 v3 , [ #+ 1 ] // {1} [ testCFG-BB@0x8 ]
testCFG-BB@0x8 :
4(8) iget-boolean v4 , v7 , [ field@ 14 Ltests/androguard/TestIfs;
Z P ]
5(c) if-eqz v4 , [ + 77 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x10 testCFG-BB@0xa6 ]
testCFG-BB@0x10 :
6(10) move v1 , v0
7(12) iget-boolean v4 , v7 , [ field@ 15 Ltests/androguard/TestIfs;
Z Q ]
8(16) if-eqz v4 , [ + 70 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x1a testCFG-BB@0xa2 ]
testCFG-BB@0x1a :
9(1a) const/4 v3 , [ #+ 2 ] // {2} [ testCFG-BB@0x1c ]
testCFG-BB@0x1c :
10(1c) add-int/lit8 v2 , v2 , [ #+ 1 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x20 ]
testCFG-BB@0x20 :
11(20) sget-object v4 , [ field@ 0 Ljava/lang/System;
Ljava/io/PrintStream; out ]
12(24) new-instance v5 , [ type@ 25 Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; ]
13(28) invoke-static v0 , [ meth@ 22 Ljava/lang/String; valueOf
['(I)', 'Ljava/lang/String;'] ]
14(2e) move-result-object v6
15(30) invoke-direct v5 , v6 , [ meth@ 25 Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
['(Ljava/lang/String;)', 'V'] ]
16(36) const-string v6 , [ string@ 5 ',' ]
17(3a) invoke-virtual v5 , v6 , [ meth@ 31
Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; append ['(Ljava/lang/String;)',
'Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;'] ]
18(40) move-result-object v5
19(42) invoke-virtual v5 , v1 , [ meth@ 28
Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; append ['(I)',
'Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;'] ]
20(48) move-result-object v5
21(4a) const-string v6 , [ string@ 5 ',' ]
22(4e) invoke-virtual v5 , v6 , [ meth@ 31
Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; append ['(Ljava/lang/String;)',
'Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;'] ]
23(54) move-result-object v5
24(56) invoke-virtual v5 , v2 , [ meth@ 28
Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; append ['(I)',
'Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;'] ]
25(5c) move-result-object v5
26(5e) const-string v6 , [ string@ 5 ',' ]
27(62) invoke-virtual v5 , v6 , [ meth@ 31
Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; append ['(Ljava/lang/String;)',
'Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;'] ]
28(68) move-result-object v5
29(6a) invoke-virtual v5 , v3 , [ meth@ 28
Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; append ['(I)',
'Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;'] ]
30(70) move-result-object v5
31(72) invoke-virtual v5 , [ meth@ 32 Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
toString ['()', 'Ljava/lang/String;'] ]
32(78) move-result-object v5
33(7a) invoke-virtual v4 , v5 , [ meth@ 8 Ljava/io/PrintStream;
println ['(Ljava/lang/String;)', 'V'] ] [ testCFG-BB@0x80 ]
testCFG-BB@0x80 :
34(80) iget-boolean v4 , v7 , [ field@ 16
Ltests/androguard/TestIfs; Z R ]
35(84) if-eqz v4 , [ + 4 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x88 testCFG-BB@0x8c ]
testCFG-BB@0x88 :
36(88) add-int/lit8 v3 , v3 , [ #+ 4 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x8c ]
testCFG-BB@0x8c :
37(8c) iget-boolean v4 , v7 , [ field@ 17
Ltests/androguard/TestIfs; Z S ]
38(90) if-eqz v4 , [ + -8 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x94 testCFG-BB@0x80 ]
testCFG-BB@0x94 :
39(94) add-int/lit8 v0 , v0 , [ #+ 6 ]
40(98) iget-boolean v4 , v7 , [ field@ 18
Ltests/androguard/TestIfs; Z T ]
41(9c) if-eqz v4 , [ + -74 ] [ testCFG-BB@0xa0 testCFG-BB@0x8 ]
testCFG-BB@0xa0 :
42(a0) return-void
testCFG-BB@0xa2 :
43(a2) const/4 v3 , [ #+ 3 ] // {3}
44(a4) goto [ + -68 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x1c ]
testCFG-BB@0xa6 :
45(a6) add-int/lit8 v2 , v2 , [ #+ 2 ]
46(aa) goto [ + -69 ] [ testCFG-BB@0x20 ]
By using the first kind of predefined signature, we can see each basic
block with some information. By filtering Java packages we have more
information about the behavior of the method:
In [6]: dx.get_method_signature(d.CLASS_Ltests_androguard_TestIfs.
METHOD_testCFG, predef_sign = analysis.SIGNATURE_L0_0).get_string()
Out[6]: 'B[]B[I]B[I]B[]B[]B[P0P1P1P1P1P1P1P1P1P1P1]B[I]B[]B[I]B[I]B[R]
In [9]: dx.get_method_signature(d.CLASS_Ltests_androguard_TestIfs.
METHOD_testCFG, predef_sign = analysis.SIGNATURE_L0_3).get_string()
Out[9]: 'B[]B[I]B[I]B[]B[]B[P0{Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;}P1
With SIGNATURE_L0_0 being 0 and SIGNATURE_L0_3 being 3.
We can test our signature with a real malware like Foncy [5]:
In [15]: a, d, dx =
In this case, we are more interested in signatures embedding Android
packages, Java packages or both:
In [16]: dx.get_method_signature(d.CLASS_Lorg_eapp_MagicSMSActivity.
METHOD_onCreate, predef_sign = analysis.SIGNATURE_L0_2).get_string()
Out[16]: 'B[P1{Landroid/app/Activity;onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V}P0
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String; Landroid/app/PendingIntent;
Ljava/lang/CharSequence; I)Landroid/widget/Toast;}
In [17]: dx.get_method_signature(d.CLASS_Lorg_eapp_MagicSMSActivity.
METHOD_onCreate, predef_sign = analysis.SIGNATURE_L0_3).get_string()
Out[17]: 'B[P1P0{Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;}P1
In [18]: dx.get_method_signature(d.CLASS_Lorg_eapp_MagicSMSActivity.
METHOD_onCreate, predef_sign = analysis.SIGNATURE_L0_4).get_string()
Out[18]: 'B[P1{Landroid/app/Activity;onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V}
It's interesting to see that even if our basic blocks are in a different
order, the Kolmogorov complexity is preserved and that we observe an
important similarity (TestReorg function). If we reorganize each basic
block in the signature we can see that the results are quite the same (so
basically the NCD bypasses a basic CFG obfuscation):
d@t0t0:~/elsim$ ./tests/test_similarity.py
(0.031779661774635315, 0)
(0.031779661774635315, 0)
(0.04237288236618042, 0)
(0.040169134736061096, 0)
(0.03983228653669357, 0)
(0.03991596773266792, 0)
(0.042016807943582535, 0)
(0.039256200194358826, 0)
(0.04356846585869789, 0)
(0.03933747485280037, 0)
(0.03719008341431618, 0)
(0.043478261679410934, 0)
(0.043478261679410934, 0)
(0.04025423899292946, 0)
(0.04411764815449715, 0)
(0.041580040007829666, 0)
(0.04149377718567848, 0)
(0.03563941270112991, 0)
(0.03966597095131874, 0)
(0.03563941270112991, 0)
(0.04184100404381752, 0)
(0.04393305256962776, 0)
(0.03974895551800728, 0)
(0.03983228653669357, 0)
(0.041753653436899185, 0)
The "hash" is the sequence of instructions in each method, and for each
instruction we remove the information depending on the compilation
(registers, etc.).
Having defined the "string" and the "hash" properties in the specific
context of Android Apps, we can now test the algorithm on various samples.
We use a tool called "androsim.py" which is a simple script based on
This tool detects and reports:
- the identical methods;
- the similar methods;
- the deleted methods;
- the new methods;
- the skipped methods.
Moreover, a similarity score (between 0.0 to 100.0) is calculated upon the
values of the identical methods (1.0) and the similar methods (in this
particular case, we calculate the final values using the BZ2 compressor due
to the fact that the return value is more "interesting" for the score). It
is more interesting because you will have an understandable value related
to the similarity.
For the first test we use the "opfake" malware [6]. If we take two samples
from the same family, an important value of similarity is revealed:
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsim.py -i
NEW: 0
--> methods: 99.100500% of similarities
These two samples have similar methods and it's possible to have more
information by specifying the "-d" option:
SIMILAR methods:
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; displayFakeProgress ()V 61
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; displayFakeProgress ()V
61 0.0909090936184
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; getNextButton ()Landroid/widget/Button;
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; getNextButton
()Landroid/widget/Button; 40 0.125
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; showLinkForm ()V 111
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; showLinkForm ()V
111 0.183673471212
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; showRules ()V 132
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; showRules ()V
132 0.0731707289815
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; setMainScreen ()V 147
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; setMainScreen ()V
147 0.319148927927
IDENTICAL methods:
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; PushMsg (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)V 76
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; PushMsg (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)V 76
Lcom/reg/SmsReceiver; setListener (Lcom/reg/SMSAction;)V 3
--> Lcom/reg/SmsReceiver; setListener
(Lcom/reg/SMSAction;)V 3
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; loadString (I)Ljava/lang/String; 52
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; loadString (I)
Ljava/lang/String; 52
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; access$600 ()Ljava/lang/String; 3
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; access$600
()Ljava/lang/String; 3
Lcom/reg/ParseXml; getXMLTags (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Vector; 82
--> Lcom/reg/ParseXml; getXMLTags (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Vector; 82
Lcom/reg/ParseXml; getXMLExtra (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; 52
--> Lcom/reg/ParseXml; getXMLExtra (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; 52
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; SaveSuccess ()V 23
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; SaveSuccess ()V 23
Lcom/reg/SmsReceiver; onReceive (Landroid/content/Context;
Landroid/content/Intent;)V 59
--> Lcom/reg/SmsReceiver; onReceive
(Landroid/content/Context; Landroid/content/Intent;)V 59
Lcom/reg/ParseXml; getXMLIntElement (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)I 55
--> Lcom/reg/ParseXml; getXMLIntElement
(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)I 55
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; getCountry ()Ljava/lang/String; 13
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity; getCountry
()Ljava/lang/String; 13
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity$5; onReceive (Landroid/content/Context;
Landroid/content/Intent;)V 35
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity$5; onReceive
(Landroid/content/Context; Landroid/content/Intent;)V 35
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity$1; (Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity;)V 6
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity$1;
(Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity;)V 6
Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity$S_itm; (Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity;)V 21
--> Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity$S_itm;
(Lcom/reg/MainRegActivity;)V 21
NEW methods:
DELETED methods:
SKIPPED methods:
Basically we are able to determine if two samples are from the same malware
family. If they are, the analyst can start his analysis from the similar
In the next part we will see how we can see the differences (what
instructions have been modified) between two similar methods. If we test
the tool by using two different samples (like opfake and foncy) we observe
the following:
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsim.py -i
NEW: 2
--> methods: 33.333333% of similarities
We see a strange similarity score due to the fact that all methods,
including those of small size, have been compared. We can skip the specific
case of methods having a small size using the "-s" option (to filter
according to the size of the method in bytes):
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsim.py -i
01f6f6379543f4aaa0d6b8dcd682f4e2b106527584b3645eb674f1646faccad5 -s 10
NEW: 2
--> methods: 0.000000% of similarities
We can do a lot of things with this kind of tool such as:
- detecting plagiarism between two android applications
- checking if an application is correctly protected with
an obfuscator
- extracting easily injected codes (if you know the original
There are many other interesting "ways" to use this tool such as
discovering if malware samples have been written by the same author, or if
some pieces of code have been reused. Analyzing the "faketoken" [7] sample
and the "opfake.d" sample we have observed an interesting result.
The first sample "faketoken" is detected by 19/43 antivirus products on
VirusTotal [8]. The second sample "opfake.d" is detected by 16/41 antivirus
products on VirusTotal [9]. All of these antivirus products are using
different names with the exception of DrWeb.
Now if we run our tool we observe the following output:
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsim.py -i
NEW: 34
--> methods: 96.516954% of similarities
We can skip specific libraries common to these samples such as
"Lorg/simpleframework/xml" and methods of small sizes. This provides us
with an even more interesting result:
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsim.py -i
-e "Lorg/simpleframework/" -s 100 -d
NEW: 14
--> methods: 44.998713% of similarities
SIMILAR methods:
Ltoken/bot/MainApplication; loadStartSettings
(Ljava/lang/String;)Ltoken/bot/StartSettings; 230
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainApplication; loadStartSettings
(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/load/wap/StartSettings; 190 0.375
Ltoken/bot/MainService; threadOperationRun
(I Ljava/lang/Object;)V 197
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainService; threadOperationRun
(I Ljava/lang/Object;)V 122 0.319999992847
Ltoken/bot/ServerResponse; ()V 133
--> Lcom/load/wap/ServerResponse; ()V 125 0.214285716414
IDENTICAL methods:
Ltoken/bot/Settings; isDeleteMessage (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)Z 132
--> Lcom/load/wap/Settings; isDeleteMessage
(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)Z 132
Ltoken/bot/UpdateActivity; setMainScreen ()V 107
--> Lcom/load/wap/UpdateActivity; setMainScreen ()V 107
Ltoken/bot/MainApplication; sendGetRequest (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/util/List;)V 132
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainApplication; sendGetRequest
(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/util/List;)V 132
Ltoken/bot/MainService; onStart (Landroid/content/Intent; I)V 106
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainService; onStart
(Landroid/content/Intent; I)V 106
Ltoken/bot/MainApplication; sendPostRequest (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/util/List;)V 197
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainApplication; sendPostRequest
(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/util/List;)V 197
Ltoken/bot/MainApplication; DownloadApk (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)Z 106
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainApplication; DownloadApk
(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)Z 106
Ltoken/bot/Settings; isCatchMessage (Ljava/lang/String;
Ljava/lang/String;)Ltoken/bot/CatchResult; 165
--> Lcom/load/wap/Settings; isCatchMessage
(Ljava/lang/String; Ljava/lang/String;)
Lcom/load/wap/CatchResult; 165
Ltoken/bot/MainApplication; getContacts
(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/util/Vector; 230
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainApplication; getContacts
(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/util/Vector; 230
Ltoken/bot/MainApplication; dateFromString
(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Date; 103
--> Lcom/load/wap/MainApplication; dateFromString
(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Date; 103
As we can see, the names of the methods are "exactly" the same, and the
signatures (the bytecodes with a high probability) are the same. It can be
really interesting to detect if your software has been ripped off by
----[ 3.2 Differences between two applications
Up to this point, we have a tool which is able to recognize similar
methods, but we would like more information about the differences between
each method.
For that we will apply the same algorithm but we will change the
"granularity" and focus on basic blocks in order to extract differences.
However, in this specific case, we will not use our classical signature for
each basic block but rather a simple "string" which represents the sequence
of instructions. So, finally, as in the previous algorithm, we will have:
- identical basic blocs
- similar basic blocs
- new basic blocs
- deleted basic blocs
With the list of similar basic blocks, we can apply a standard "diff"
algorithm between each similar basic blocks to know which instructions have
been added or removed.
The Longuest Common Subsequence (LCS) algorithm [11] can then be used to
obtain all differences. In order to apply the LCS algorithm, we will map
each unique instruction to a simple string:
ADD 3 -> "\00"
ADD 1 -> "\01"
MOV 3 -> "\02"
ADD 3 -> "\00"
If we have two basic blocks, we must translate each basic block into a
final string:
IGET => "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x00\x04"
IGET => "\x00\x00\x02\x03\x05\x04"
The application of the LCS algorithm[11] between these two strings reveals
the instructions that have been added or removed:
In [5]: from elsim_dalvik.py import LCS
In [7]: a = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x00\x04"
In [9]: b = "\x00\x00\x02\x03\x05\x04"
In [10]: z = LCS(a, b)
In [12]: from elsim_dalvik import getDiff
In [13]: l_a = []
In [14]: l_r = []
In [15]: getDiff(z, a, b, len(a), len(b), l_a, l_r)
In [16]: l_a
Out[16]: [(1, '\x00'), (4, '\x05')]
// "ADD 3" and "MUL 4" have been added in the second basic bloc
In [17]: l_r
Out[18]: [(1, '\x01'), (4, '\x00')]
// ""ADD 1" and "ADD 3" have been remove in the first basic bloc
Although it's also possible to use a better algorithm such as the Needleman
algorithm [10] (used in biology for "sequence alignment" [12], or in the
comparison of network traces [35]), the tests performed have demonstrated
that the LCS algorithm was sufficient.
Now, we have a new tool called "androdiff.py" which can be used to extract
and observe differences between two Android applications. We have tested it
against two versions of the Skype application to analyze the patch of a
security vulnerability [13] (mainly due to incorrect use of file
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsim.py -i
elsim/examples/android/com.skype.raider_1.0.0.983.apk -c BZ2
NEW: 27
--> methods: 98.192539% of similarities
We have several methods to analyze, but only a few new methods are present,
and two of them are particularly interesting:
Lcom/skype/ipc/SkypeKitRunner; chmod (Ljava/io/File;
Ljava/lang/String;)Z 61
Lcom/skype/ipc/SkypeKitRunner; fixPermissions ([Ljava/io/File;)V 47
So we can now search in the similar methods where these new methods are
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androdiff.py -i
elsim/examples/android/com.skype.raider_1.0.0.983.apk -d
[ ('Lcom/skype/ipc/SkypeKitRunner;', 'run', '()V') ] <->
[ ('Lcom/skype/ipc/SkypeKitRunner;', 'run', '()V') ]
run-BB@0xae run-BB@0xae
Added Elements(2)
0xba 3 invoke-virtual v8 , [ meth@ 5897
Ljava/security/MessageDigest; reset ['()', 'V'] ]
0xc0 4 sget-object v9 , [ field@ 1299
Lcom/skype/ipc/SkypeKitRunner; [B MAITSEAINE ]
Deleted Elements(0)
run-BB@0x320 run-BB@0x316
Added Elements(1)
0x332 5 const/4 v8 , [ #+ 0 ] // {0}
Deleted Elements(1)
0x328 5 const/4 v8 , [ #+ 3 ] // {3}
run-BB@0x352 run-BB@0x348
Added Elements(1)
0x364 4 const-string v5 , [ string@ 2921 'chmod 750 ' ]
Deleted Elements(1)
0x35a 4 const-string v5 , [ string@ 2904 'chmod 777 ' ]
run-BB@0x52c run-BB@0x522
Added Elements(10)
0x59e 29 invoke-virtual v4 , [ meth@ 109
Landroid/content/Context; getFilesDir ['()', 'Ljava/io/File;'] ]
0x5a4 30 move-result-object v4
0x5a6 31 invoke-virtual v4 , [ meth@ 5719
Ljava/io/File; getAbsolutePath ['()',
'Ljava/lang/String;'] ]
0x5ac 32 move-result-object v4
0x5be 37 move-object/from16 v0 , v19
0x5c2 38 iget-object v0 , v0 , [ field@ 1314
Landroid/content/Context; mContext ]
0x5c6 39 move-object v4 , v0
0x5d8 44 move-object/from16 v0 , v19
0x5dc 45 move-object v1 , v4
0x5de 46 invoke-direct v0 , v1 , [ meth@ 1923
Lcom/skype/ipc/SkypeKitRunner; fixPermissions
['([Ljava/io/File;)', 'V'] ]
Deleted Elements(0)
As you can see, some constants are changed (3 to 0, 777 to 750) to patch an
incorrect use of file permissions (you need to take the original CFG to
view the details (maybe in a new version we will see the results in one
CFG)). A new method is called to fix the existing permissions of the files.
----[ 3.3 Looking for a signature in applications
Now, if you wish to detect if a specific method (or a class) is present in
another application, you need to check all methods of this application with
your method.
Moreover, if we have a database of signatures, we must check if each
signature is present in our application. For example, if your database is
composed of 1000 signatures, and our application contains 1000 methods we
will need to perform:
- 1000 * 1000 -> 1.000.000 of comparisons to know the result
That's why we need another solution and we will use the second algorithm
(2.2). In this algorithm we need a set of float values to perform the
clustering. So, in this example, we will use different sources of
We have already described the generic algorithm (2.2), so we only need to
define our element in this implementation. An element (in fact a part of
our signature) will be composed of:
- a string which represents the method (or the class)
(in fact it is a signature obtained by the grammar (3.1))
- a set of entropies (float values)
The most important part is the set of entropies. We have used different
sources of entropies to have better results. An Android application
provides an important amount of information. One of them is the API that is
used (the Android/Java API). Another one is the exceptions because they
define very well a method. We can also use the entropy of the signature and
the bytecode. Maybe we have redundancy by using these entropies (due to the
fact that the entropy of the signature is composed of both the Android/Java
packages and the exceptions), so we need to work more on this subject but
this problem will not produce false positives.
We will also define a simple JSON file that we will use to generate our
signature in order to extract information like the entropies and to add it
in a database. We take the "logastrod" [14] malware and we create the
signature after the analysis of this malware in order to find where are the
most interesting malicious parts:
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ cat signatures/logastrod.sign
[ { "SAMPLE" :
"apks/malwares/logastrod/ \
}, { "BASE" : "AndroidOS", "NAME" : "Logastrod", "SIGNATURE" :
[ { "TYPE" :
"METHSIM", "CN" : "Lcom/pavel/newmodule/RuleActivity;", "MN" : "onCreate",
"D" : "(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V" }, { "TYPE" : "METHSIM", "CN" :
"Lcom/pavel/newmodule/LicenseActivity;", "MN" : "onCreate", "D" :
"(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V" } ], "BF" : "a && b" } ]
The name of this signature is "Logastrod" and we need to recognize the two
methods (the boolean formula) to make a positive match.
By using the "androcsign.py" tool we can extract the entropies and
signatures of the methods from the specified sample, and add it to our
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androcsign.py -i signatures/logastrod.sign -d
[{u'Logastrod': [[[0, 'Qlt[...]kdd',
4.809434597538392, 4.584117420715886, 4.538809415871831, 0.0]], u'a && b'
Now it is possible to use "androsign.py" to check a particular file or an
entire directory by using a database of signatures.
"f22affca4ea15e58d8b4d345e54a7910b03c37fa70941bbcf36659cb809f13d9" is a
sample of this "logastrod" malware:
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsign.py -i
659cb809f13d9 -b signatures/dbandroguard -c signatures/dbconfig -v
CMP_CLUSTERS:8 ELEMENTS:31 CMP_ELEMENTS:39 -> 2139 1.823282%] [[91, 92,
0.27931034564971924], [91, 93, 0.18803419172763824]] ----> Logastrod
As you can see, we have only done "39" comparisons thanks to the
clustering. Without this method, "2139" comparisons would have been
required for the same result.
d@t0t0:~/androguard$ ./androsign.py -d apks/malwares/logastrod/ -b
signatures/dbandroguard -c signatures/dbconfig
f22affca4ea15e58d8b4d345e54a7910b03c37fa70941bbcf36659cb809f13d9 : ---->
a0a42b9f1d45a0e09a8da6d9ce8e74952340a538251d0e697cfe1b16e5ac6696 : ---->
77943921c7d6bad5f2e45fa22df4c23d034021ae56f0b09ecac8efb97830e0de : ---->
fea4dd75dfc4bfe279faf0b7675c48166ecac57bc8e8436c277a6da20582892f : ---->
f18891b20623ad35713e7f44feade51a1fd16030af55056a45cefa3f5f38e983 : ---->
e45caa25f87531cff2ee2803374ac78de0757941dd1311e3411ce4cdf6d5d942 : ---->
We can see that on VirusTotal all these samples are not detected
identically by few AV products:
f22affca4ea15e58d8b4d345e54a7910b03c37fa70941bbcf36659cb809f13d9 :
22/43 antivirus
a0a42b9f1d45a0e09a8da6d9ce8e74952340a538251d0e697cfe1b16e5ac6696 :
19/43 antivirus
77943921c7d6bad5f2e45fa22df4c23d034021ae56f0b09ecac8efb97830e0de :
22/43 antivirus
fea4dd75dfc4bfe279faf0b7675c48166ecac57bc8e8436c277a6da20582892f :
21/43 antivirus
f18891b20623ad35713e7f44feade51a1fd16030af55056a45cefa3f5f38e983 :
19/43 antivirus
e45caa25f87531cff2ee2803374ac78de0757941dd1311e3411ce4cdf6d5d942 :
21/43 antivirus
We maintain an Open Source Database of Android Malware [15] where you can
find analysis links and a few signatures for Android malware. The main
difficulty is to create a signature because you must choose carefully which
method/class you wish to add to the database in order to avoid as much as
possible false positives. In other terms, don't add a method/class from a
free/proprietary "API" or project in a malware database :)
You can use this tool to check if your application has been stolen by
someone else using a multiple file analysis. Imagine that you have created
an uber open source && l33t algorithm and you wish to know if your
algorithm has been ripped off and included in a proprietary software. Of
course, it is possible to build databases of many "things", from a
cryptographic functions database to a DNA database...
--[ 4 - Conclusion
The similarity is a difficult problem but it is possible to achieve an
interesting result by using the NCD and the entropy with "normalized"
So, at the end of this paper, you will find two tools. The first one is
Androguard in the first stable 1.0 version. Androguard is a known framework
in Python to manipulate, reverse engineer, and play with Android
applications. The stable version we release with this paper brings a lot of
new things (especially the stability of the similarities tools) and a few
tips and tricks to reverse engineer Android Apps (such as dealing with
non-ASCII names).
In this framework, several tools are using the new open source software
Elsim to search the similarities/dissimilarities in different sets of
elements. We have described two kinds of "generic" algorithms. The first
one can be used if you wish to find the similarities between two sets of
elements. The second one can be used if you have a database of signatures
and you need a quick engine to search the signatures in a set of elements.
Finally we described a new algorithm of entropy ("Descriptional entropy")
which can be used to classify and obtain more information from an element
and two new algorithms which can help you to answer to a similarity
But Elsim is not limited to Android applications, and the tool will be
improved in the next months to support x86 and ARM binaries in order to
have an open source software with such capabilities.
Many thanks to the Phrack staff for the suggestions on how to improve this
"Talk is cheap. Show me the code". Torvalds, Linus"
--[ 5 - References
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[4] Android source code (dalvik). http://source.android.com/
[5] Foncy Android Malware.
[6] Opfake Android Malware.
[7] Faketoken Android Malware.
[8] https://www.virustotal.com/file/\
[9] https://www.virustotal.com/file/\
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[13] Android Police. http://www.androidpolice.com/2011/04/14/\
[14] Logastrod Android Malware.
[15] Opensource Database of Android Malware.
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[33] http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/uploadfile/acinonyx72/calculating\
[35] Netzob http://www.netzob.org/
--[ 6 - Code
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